US Republicans call for the return of prohibition
Will Richardson looks at the latest clamp down on ICT in Education, USA style...
I thought the Americans had tried this sort of approach before and found that it didn't work?
So here we go…let’s REALLY get around this messy job of educating our kids by just legislating away school access to not only MySpace but to any:
…commercial Web sites that let users create public “Web pages or profiles” and also offer a discussion board, chat room, or e-mail service. Including blogs, wikis, online gaming…No joke. This is a bill offered up by a group of Republicans whose polling shows that now is the time to capitalize on the hysteria that a slew of fright-filled articles about social networking sites has wrought.
This is disturbing on so many levels that I hardly know where to begin.
Link: Weblogg-ed Headline: Congress Targets Social Network Sites.
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